Making the Exotic Ordinary by Sharon Bond
The following is an extract from the article taken from Context Magazine (No 11) published by the Association of Family Therapists. You can read the full text by clicking the icon at the end of the extract.
“I first heard the expression “making the exotic ordinary” as a trainee family therapist at Kensington Consultation Centre (KCC). Our supervisor, John Burnham, was helping us to think about how we join (Minuchin & Fishman, 1981) with our clients. He invited us to think about how what to us seemed normal in the way we worked (i.e. screen and team etc), to some of our clients might seem strange and exotic. This thought really captured my imagination and became an important part of my thinking as a practitioner working in various settings and using the systemic ideas I had learned during my training and after.
The ideas presented in this article are those that I have been developing over the years and presented in a workshop at the KCC Women’s Conference in May 2009 under the title ‘Helping systemic ideas come out of the closet’. My intention was to bring to the foreground the portability of systemic ideas and techniques for use outside of clinical settings.” SB
To read the full article please click on the icon below.
'Making the Exotic Ordinary' by Sharon Bond
'Making the Exotic Ordinary' by Sharon Bond